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Dr. Lahiri's Laboratory 


Welcome to the Strawberry and Small Fruit Crops Entomology lab.

Since February 2019, Sriyanka Lahiri has been developing this program allied with applied agricultural research.

Here, we focus on research, extension, teaching, and outreach involving integrated pest management of arthropod pests of strawberry and other small fruit crops such as blackberry.


What we do

Our published and ongoing work encompasses biological control using:

  • Predatory mites and insects
  • Banker plants
  • Physical controls: ultraviolet light, ultrasound, and reflective mulch
  • Insecticide resistance monitoring and management using chemical control tools
  • Utilization of biorational pesticides

Invasive pests such as chilli thrips are the primary target of our research program as this is the most devastating pest in strawberry.

Other pests of concern that this lab works on include twospotted spider mites, flower thrips, and seed bugs.



Our work directly impacts strawberry growers across FL and other states with similar pest issues. It is unique because we are developing tools for growers to manage invasive thrips species that are notoriously difficult to control using traditional methods. Findings in our program will benefit growers in future invasive range of these pests.

This program has hosted a total of six (3 PhD, 1 DPM, 2 MS) graduate students till date. Additionally, two postdoctoral research associates were part of this team.

An ongoing mentoring program through internship is also provided. Till date, three undergraduate student interns from Earth University, Costa Rica and Zamorano University, Honduras have been hosted in this program.





Dr. Sriyanka Lahiri 
Rm. 128
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
14625 CR 672
Wimauma, FL 33598


Current Lab Members
  • Chasitity Perry, Lab Manager
  • Diem Nguyen, OPS
  • Lovely Adhikary, PhD
  • Allan Busuulwa, MS



  • MS Students' Work

    Links coming soon! 

  • PhD Students' Work

    Links coming soon!

  • Dr. Lahiri's Work
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 13:12:09 EDT